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Alertkey Panic Alarm

Alertkey® Panic Alarm software turns your computer network into a powerful Duress Alarm system for a fraction of the cost of hard-wired panic button systems. Discreetly send a call for help to your colleagues from your computer keyboard.

SMARTAlertkey Panic Alarm tick

Alertkey Panic Alarm is smart software that sends instant duress alert messages across your existing computer network.

DISCREETAlertkey Panic Alarm tick

Alertkey Panic Alarm discreetly communicates a call for help without indicating to an aggressor that an alert has been raised.

SAFEAlertkey Panic Alarm tick

Alertkey Panic Alarm helps you meet your legal obligation to provide a safe workplace for employees and the public.

POWERFULAlertkey Panic Alarm tick

Alertkey Panic Alarm is recognized by industry as a powerful safety tool and has found applications in medical facilities, offices, schools, plants and other diverse workplaces.

Workplace Aggression

Workplace aggression statistic 50 percent

Australian data shows that as many as 50% of people experience workplace aggression1 at some point in their career, including incidents of physical violence, sexual assault and harassment, and psychological and verbal abuse.

[1] Mayhew, Australian Institute of Criminology Research and Public Policy Series No. 30 Preventing Client-Initiated Violence (2000)

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